Saturday, 8 November 2014

X++ code to change financial dimension when assigning Inventory Site

Hi Friends,
It is good to find the out of the box available API's in Microsoft Dynamics AX, which can take the burden of writing some tricky code off your head. I recently found this API which can be used to link an existing financial dimension with the financial dimension defined on an Inventory site.

This is useful in scenarios where we create journals using X++ code and default/assign the value in inventory site field. This is a static method names changeDimension() available on InventSite table which takes the current financial dimension and the InventSiteID as inputs and returns you the merged Financial dimension. \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventSite\Methods\changeDimension()

A sample X++ code when creating an Inventory journal lines, to use this API would be something like this :
inventJournalTrans.DefaultDimension = InventSite::changeDimension(inventJournalTrans.DefaultDimension,'SITE001');

Inside this method you will find that system uses DimensionDefaultingService class to merge the dimensions.  

You will also notice in the comments that the dimension is merged only when the site link is enabled.
This means that if the financial dimension is linked to Site and the dimension link is locked then any transaction against this site can only be posted if the value of the selected dimension matches the value associated with the Site storage dimension. This setup form can be found at Inventory and Warehouse management -> Setup -> Posting -> Dimension link.

So if you are writing X++ code to assign inventory site to any table record which is also storing financial dimension then use the above API . This will make sure that the financial dimension value is merged properly during the creation of the record.

Thanks for reading the blog, Keep sharing.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Read properties of table fields using X++ code

Hi Friends,
The below piece of X++ code can be used to read properties of table fields.
To demonstrate, the below job will check the mandatory property of the fields of a table. This comes handy during technical analysis. It can be time consuming to check the property of each field manually.

The code uses DictTable and DictField classes to iterate through the table fields and it's properties. This can also be used to check other properties of the fields of a table.

static void checkProperties(Args _args)
    DictTable       dictTable;
    DictField       dictField;
    int             i, cnt;
    dictTable = new DictTable(tableNum(CustTable));
    cnt = dictTable.fieldCnt();
    for (i= 1; i<=cnt;i++)
        dictField = new DictField(tableNum(CustTable),dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i));
        if (dictField.mandatory())
            info (strFmt("Field %1 is mandatory.",dictField.label()));
Similar to the way we have checked the property of field using dictField object in the above job, we can also read properties of any table using the dictTable object.

These classes are used at lot of places in standard AX code to iterate through table structures. Some common scenario are when we need to show list of table/fields in lookups. 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Using NOT LIKE in X++ select statements and query ranges

Hi Friends,
In this post I'll like to share how to use NOT LIKE operator in X++.
LIKE keyword is available in X++ but  NOT LIKE is not directly supported the way it works in SQL. It still can be achieved using X++ select statements as well as in query range values.

For illustration, I'll use an example to select all customer group records which do not start with "1" and do not start with "2", using a select statement as well as using a query object in X++.

Query Object:
If we need to write this in query range, then you need to use the power of expressions in the query range value. Visit using expressions in query ranges to get more details.
In the expression use '!1*' to define a not like condition and then separate other values  by a comma (,) as a comma will represent an AND condition in the query range expression. 

To quickly use the code, here it goes:

    CustGroup               custGroup;
    Query                   query;
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbds;
    QueryBuildRange         qbr;
    QueryRun                qr;

    query = new Query();
    qbds  = query.addDataSource(tableNum(CustGroup));
    qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(custGroup,CustGroup));

    info (qbds.toString());
    qr = new QueryRun(query);
    while (
        custGroup = qr.get(tableNum(CustGroup));
        info (custGroup.CustGroup);


Select Statement:
If we need to write in select statement, then you can achieve by enclosing the like condition in brackets and then use a ! operator (! is the NOT operator in X++). Refer Keywords in X++ for details.

So if there are multiple NOT LIKE conditions which needs to be applied in a single statement, then each condition needs to be enclosed in brackets and need to have a ! operator applied as shown below.

You can see that the customer groups table has three records which starts with 1 and 2 but they are not shown in the info log.

To quickly reuse the code here it goes:

 CustGroup CustGroup;
    while select CustGroup
        where (!(CustGroup.CustGroup like '1*') && !(CustGroup.CustGroup like '2*'))


The above code works well with AX2012 R3/R2/RTM and 2009 versions. I have not tested in any previous versions. The above information as also be found at MSDN  X++, ANSI SQL Comparison: SQL Select

Thanks for reading the blog and keep sharing.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

AX2012 R3 : X++ code to get WBS key for a project activity

Hi Friends,
I want to share a piece of code which can be used to get the value of WBS key of an activity for a project. This piece of code works well with AX2012 R3 and AX 2012 R2.
In projects module, we can define Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a project. A very nice integration with Microsoft Projects is already available out of the box in standard Microsoft Dynamics AX.
WBS key represents the hierarchy or level of that activity amongst all the project activities.The WBS for a project can be accessed from Projects list and details page from the "Work breakdown structure" button available under the "Plan" group of the action pane as shown below:

When you open this form, you will notice that unique WBS key is reflected against each activity. This value is dynamic, if you indend,outdent,move up, move down an activity, it will change the WBS key value. 
By dynamic value I mean it is not stored as a field in any table.So now lets explore the technical side of it.

 If you look at the form control, it is a display method coming from a method outlineNumber() written on HierarchyTreeTable.

Note this display method is not available directly on the table. If it would have been directly available on the table, then this would not have been an interesting topic to blog :). 
It is written as a display method on the form under the data-source methods as shown below:

So now we see that the display method returns the value from a function OutlineNumberFor() available on object of a class whose variable is declared with the name of controller on the form. So let's move ahead and look at the class declaration of the form, so we notice that this class is ProjWBSUpdateController

Now things get interesting, let us try to find on this form how this class is getting initialized, the best place to find this is init method of the form and you will notice the below code there: requires so many parameters, let have a look at the new() method of this class, you will notice that only the first two parameters are mandatory and rest all have a default value assigned to them in the function definition and so are optional:

Additionally after initializing the class object the most important part is the call to updateOutlineNumbersAndPublishInPreOrder() method call. All the magic happens in this method and it makes your class object the shining star of the form ;).

So if we can get the hierarchyID and the calendarID, we can use this class to run all the business rules for us and return the key number. It is always a best practise not to reinvent the whole wheel and use the available classes out of the box.
HierarchyID --> If you try to analyse smmActivities table which stores all the project activities you will find that it is linked to HierarchyTreeTable based on it's recID and from HierarchyTreeTable you can get the hierarchyID.

CalendarID --> You can get it from the project.

So now time to knit all the above piece of code together and make is usable, so here is the job :

To quickly reuse the code here it goes:

static void wfsGetWBSForActivityNumber(Args _args)
    ProjWBSUpdateController         controller;
    HierarchyIdBase                         hierarchyId;
    HierarchyTreeTable                    hierarchyTreeTable;
    str                                               recordWBSId;
    smmActivities                              smmActivities;
    ProjTable                                    projTable ;
    CalendarId                                  calendarId;

    smmActivities = smmActivities::find("A000072");
    hierarchyTreeTable = hierarchyTreeTable::findRefRecId(smmActivities.RecId);
    calendarId = ProjTable::find(smmActivities.projId()).PSASchedCalendarId;
    hierarchyId = hierarchyTreeTable.HierarchyId;

    controller = new ProjWBSUpdateController(hierarchyId,calendarId);
    recordWBSId = controller.outlineNumberFor(hierarchyTreeTable.ElementNumber);

Below is the result when we run the above code for the below shown project:

Thanks for reading the blog. Have a nice day and keep sharing.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

X++ code to reset ListEnumerator

Hi Friends,
Sometimes we need to iterate a list enumerator multiple times. We can use reset() function to easily do this as shown below:


AX2012 R2 CU7: X++ code to post Product Receipt for a Purchase Order

Hi Friends,
The below can be used to post the product receipt for a purchase order. It is same as we used to do in previous version but it is good to keep it handy.

The main thing is to pass the parameters in update method. The below job will post the product receipt for the inventory quantities which have been Registered. Please note the purchase order should be confirmed before posting the product receipt.

To reuse it quickly, here it is:

static void Job12(Args _args)
    PurchTable  purchTable = PurchTable::find("000032");
    PurchFormLetter     purchFormLetter;
    purchFormLetter = purchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip);
    purchFormLetter.update( purchTable,


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

AX2012 R2 CU7 : Creating pay periods lookup in Payroll module

Hi Friends,
Recently I was working on some customizations in Payroll module and was required to create controls to select pay cycle and pay periods. I want to share this information on how we can create lookups for pay periods based on a pay cycle.
In standard AX, Pay cycles and pay periods are defined in payroll > setup > pay cycles and pay periods as shown below:

A standard AX example is the dialog of generate pay statements,where user first selects a pay cycle and based on that pay cycle, the pay periods are shown in the control as shown below, the pay periods are specific to the pay cycle:

So I looked into the class to understand how the lookup is coming and found the following, system was storing all the values in a container and then adding them to the combo box control. So I have tried to highlight the code used in the process:

When user selects a payCycle then the method to create the period list is called

In this method the container to hold the payPeriodList is populated with all the valid values, system is selecting all the pay period and then converting it into a string format and then adding it to container and the combo box selection list

In order to read the user selection the value is fetched from the container based on the selection in the combo Box control

So I followed the same pattern, and create a form as shown below :

1. Created a new reference group control for the pay cycle control, these controls are really helpful in AX2012.

Now if I open my form, I see all the pay cycles of the system

2. Then add a new combo box control to show the pay period lookup

Change the auto declaration to true

Declare the variables in class, a container to store the data and the variables to hold the user selection

Then copied the createPayPeriod method and removed the unwanted code. The same pattern is used in benefit register report UI builder class, the below code is copied from there:

On the modified of the pay cycle control I called this method:

And we are all set to go. On my form I have now lookups of pay cycle and pay period as per standard AX design.

Another great example of reusing standard AX code rather then reinventing the wheel. Thanks for reading the blog.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

AX2012 R2 CU7: X++ code to create and post route card journal for production order

Hi Friends,
The below code can be used to create and post route card journal in AX2012 R2 CU7 for a production order when we know the Production order number and the operation number.
I have assigned the costing resource defined on the route as the work center ID in this case.

static void createRouteCardJournalSample(Args _args)
    ProdJournalTable                      prodJournalTable;
    ProdJournalRoute                     prodJournalRoute;
    ProdRoute                               prodRoute;
    ProdId                                     prodId = 'PO000065';
    OprNum                                  oprNum = 10;
    RouteOprId                              routeOprId;
    ProdJournalCheckPostRoute     prodJournalCheckPostRoute;

    select prodRoute where prodRoute.ProdId == prodId
                        && prodRoute.OprNum == oprNum;

    prodJournalTable.JournalType        = prodjournaltype::RouteCard;
    prodJournalTable.ProdId             = prodId;
    prodJournalTable.JournalNameId      = ProdParametersDim::findDefault().RouteJournalNameId;
    prodJournalTable.Description        =                                                  ProdJournalName::find(prodJournalTable.JournalNameId).Description;
    prodJournalTable.VoucherSeqRecId    = ProdJournalName::find(prodJournalTable.JournalNameId).VoucherSeqRecId;
    prodJournalTable.VoucherDraw        = journalVoucherDraw::Post;
    prodJournalTable.NumOfLines         = 1;

    //Route card entry
    prodJournalRoute.JournalId               = prodJournalTable.journalId;
    prodJournalRoute.ProdId                   = prodId;
    prodJournalRoute.OprNum                = oprNum;
    prodJournalRoute.OprId                    = prodRoute.OprId;
    prodJournalRoute.JobType                = RouteJobType::Process;
    prodJournalRoute.CategoryHoursId   = prodRoute.SetUpCategoryId;
    prodJournalRoute.CategoryQtyId      = prodRoute.ProcessCategoryId;
    prodJournalRoute.DefaultDimension  = prodRoute.DefaultDimension;
    prodJournalRoute.WrkCtrId              = prodRoute.WrkCtrIdCost;
    prodJournalRoute.QtyGood              = 2;
    prodJournalRoute.Hours                   = 1;
    ProdJournalCheckPostRoute = ProdJournalCheckPostRoute::newPostJournal(prodJournalRoute.journalId,true);;
