Hi Friends,
Recently I worked on a task to generate and show QR code on a report in AX 2009.
In order to do this, I did the below steps:
There are many other dll files available as open source to generate QR code. Keep sharing.
Reference: I found a link to do the same on AX2012
Recently I worked on a task to generate and show QR code on a report in AX 2009.
In order to do this, I did the below steps:
- Downloaded file MessagingToolkit.QRCode.dll
- Copied it in client\bin folder
- Added this dll file in the system references
- Create a new display method on the report. The below code can be used to generate QR code.
Bindata bindata = new Bindata();
Image Imgobj;
System.Drawing.Image img;
System.Drawing.Bitmap obj;
Filepath _path;
container con;
encoder = new MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder();
obj = new
con = bindata.getData();
return con;
- Add the image control on the report based on the display method.
There are many other dll files available as open source to generate QR code. Keep sharing.
Reference: I found a link to do the same on AX2012